Wednesday, June 13, 2012


On May 5th, I joined Weight Watchers in a desperate effort to lose weight.  About a week before I found out that I have sleep apnea (in addition to my Narcolepsy situation…for another post).  I know that weight gain is associated with sleep apnea and taking the weight off is nothing but good for it.  I am in the “in between” phase of getting hooked up with a CPAP machine and all of that good stuff.
I started to really gain weight probably back in 2007 for various reasons now at about 60 pounds later I think it’s time to make a decision.  I was able to lose 15 when I tried gluten-free about 7 months ago.  Then, I realized I gained back 7 pounds back in late April after I unsuccessfully tried to button my dress pants while getting ready for work.  After, my failed attempt at blaming Shawn for over drying my pants AND everything else I own, I had to get on the dreaded scale.  Well, long story short…that & my desire to be healthy has led me here.  I’ve lost 6.4 pounds with WW so far (total of 15 since end of 2011) and I still have a long way to go.  What I’m excited about is getting more active.  The past 5 years I’ve really done nothing in the way of activity due to aches, pains, unbearable fatigue and the occasional feeling down.  All I know is I have an “unspecified autoimmune disease” according to a Rheumatologist back in WashPA, which is Dr. speak for “We can’t help you”! 
So, I’ve decided I’ve lost enough time focusing on my Narc, the mystery illness I may or may not have and how it’s changed the way I live my life.  I’m not out running races (yet!) but I’m starting out slow by walking about 1 to 1.5 miles with my Jaxy-boy (adorable Rat Terrier- pics to follow) in preparation for my sis and I participating in The Color Run in September.  They say at least 30 minutes of activity per day is a great start and very doable. My sis, Jackie, is such an inspiration in her own journey to health- she’s lost so much weight, kicked the butt of some diagnoses, and is a Zumba master!  She’s also my go-to person when it comes to figuring out the WW points and healthy alternatives to my traditional recipes. 
I was reading my daily devotion today and it was about comparison.  I never thought of myself as one who compares- but let’s face it…we’re all guilty of this in some form.  The devotion said
“Every time we compare ourselves with someone else, we can never measure up because we’re comparing our insides with their outsides.” 
WOW!  We all have our own journeys in life-whether it’s weight, success, illness- but we have to remember that it’s just that…OUR journey.  We are all different and whether you think you’re not as thin as the celebs, as successful as the woman with the fancy job title, or able to keep up as much as the healthy, fit coworker…just remember they just might be comparing themselves to YOU- for your positive outlook, the joy you display or your desire to never give up.  So, be patient with yourself and keep on keepin’ on.  I know it’ll be worth the wait!


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