Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WOW...the 1st post!

Happy Tuesday everyone! If you're checking out this blog then I'd assume you're my facebook friend...how else would you have stopped here?  Well I just want to say hello and thanks for your interest.  I'm starting the blogging experience over after reading a very old blog of mine from my "younger days".  Wow, was I a bitter and immature girl that had way too much time on her hands! *geez* :-)  Now I'm about 9 years older and a lot wiser with SO much more to learn.  I just want to blog to have a chance to share my thoughts, activities and blessings in my life with other people.  I'm not one of many words but LOVE to write...so this is perfect!

A little about me:
* I'm a wife, daughter, sister, friend and Christian that's always a growing work-in-progress
* I'm a college grad (BS in biology/chem minor)
* Public health grad student (finishing next fall- YIPEE!)
* Independent Beauty Consultant (luv this opportunity)
* Receptionist full-time (temp-job)
* Lover of all things books
* Encourager of others...

I'm sure there's more to describe me but that's what popped in my head at this very moment.  If you're wondering why the title of this blog- I was flipping through my journal and found where I'd written notes from a message on giving.  It said to make it "a planned and pleasant gift".  I saw this today and thought how life is just that- planned for us and a pleasant gift indeed.  I don't want you to think I'm always aware of this fact, because life happens and you may doubt.  But just look around and think of where YOU could be at this point, and it snaps you to reality.  So, with that...what are some gifts that you have in your life?

Have a great day and ttyl...

1 comment:

  1. Well I cant wait to see where this journey takes you. Im glad one of got the writing gene cause I know that I sure dont. Well keep doin whatcha do and I know you will encourage and inspire others. Love, peace and SOUL !!!!
